Setting Up the Interface Between Visual Signature Capture and Centricity/athenaFlex EMRs

An interface between Visual Signature Capture and Centricity/atheanaPractice/athenaFlow needs to be established before Visual Signature Capture is used. This interface will allow LinkLogic or DTS to process HL7 messages, thereby allowing importation of a signed document and related observation terms into the EMR.

  1. To set up the interface, you will need the following three files:
    When Visual Signature capture is installed, the default location of these files is: C:\Program Files\Logical Innovations\Visual Signature Capture\Interface.
  2. Copy the two .XRF files to the config\local folder of llogic where DTS is configured.
  3. Log in to the EMR.
  4. For Centricity EMR/athenaFlow, on the upper left under Go, choose Setup → Settings.  For CPS/athenaPractice, choose Administration → System.
    Screenshot Centricity Go Setup Settings Path
  5. On the left hand side, click the + next to the LinkLogic folder to expand it.
  6. Click on Import Interface Kits.
  7. Click the Import Interface Kit... button located to the right below the Results box.
    Screenshot of Buttons to Import the Kit
  8. Navigate to the LISIGNATURE.IKT.
  9. Highlight LISIGNATURE.IKT and click the Open button.
    Screenshot of Opening the Kit
  10. Next Click on “Relationships” in the LinkLogic folder.
  11. Click the button below the Relationships that says “New...”.
  12. In the New Relationship box that opens the Import radio button will be on. Select Lab Results from the drop-down menu next to Type, HL7 for Format, LiSignature for Unique Name/ID, LISignature Observation Import for the Description and EMR Patient ID for the Patient ID Set. Then click OK.
    Screenshot of Setting up the Relationship for Lab Results
  13. Again Click the button below Relationships that says “New...”.
  14. In the New Relationship box that opens, the Import radio button will be on. Select Documents from the drop-down menu next to Type and HL7 for the Format. Enter LISignature for the Unique Name/ID and LISignature Documents Import for the Description. Select EMR Patient ID for the Patient ID Set. Then click OK.
    Screenshot of Setting up the Relationship for Documents
  15. Again Click the button below Relationships that says “New...”.
  16. In the New Relationship box that opens, the Import radio button will be on. Select Demographics from the drop-down menu next to Type and HL7 for the Format. Enter LISignature for the Unique Name/ID and LISignature Demographics Import for the Description. Select EMR Patient ID for the Patient ID Set. Then click OK.
    Screenshot of Setting up the Relationship for Documents
  17. Go back to the LinkLogic folder and click on Task Options.
  18. Expand the Lab Results folder and click on LiSignature.
  19. Click the New... button under Configuration files.
  20. In the New Configuration File box that opens, make sure that the file type is “Cross reference file”. Click the … button to search for a file name and select the LISIGNATURE.XRF file. Open it and then click OK.
    Screenshot of Lab Results Cross Reference File
  21. Repeat steps 17 and 18, this time selecting the LISIGNATUREDOCTYPES.XRF file.
  22. Expand the Documents folder and then click on LiSignature.
  23. Click the New button under Configuration files.
  24. Make sure that the file type is “Cross reference file”. Click the … button to search for a file name and select the LISIGNATUREDOCTYPES.XRF file. Open it and then click OK.
    Screenshot of Documents Cross Reference File
  25. Check the boxes next to Import external attachments and Import authenticated documents (TXA-17) as signed.
    Screenshot of Import External Attachments Checkbox
  26. Expand the Demographics folder and then click on LiSignature.
  27. Click the New button under Configuration files.
  28. Make sure that the file type is “Add On Import/Export Protocol file (IXP)”. Click the … button to search for a file name.  The current directory will likely be llogic\config\local.  You will need to change the directory to llogic\config\standard and select the PID40CONTACTBY.IXP file. Open it and then click OK.
    Screenshot of Demographics Import/Export Protocol File
  29. The VSC default document must now be created. In CPS/atheanaPractice, this is found in Administration, Charts, Chart Documents, Clinical Document Types. In Centricity EMR/athenaFlow, it is found under Go, Setup, Settings, System, Edit Document Types.
  30. Click New.  The Document Type should be either VSC or Visual Signature Capture.  The Abbreviation must be VSC.
    Screenshot of CPS Document Type creation
    Screenshot of EMR Document Type creation
  31. Give appropriate users the rights to sign the new VSC document type.

Once the interface between Visual Signature Capture and the EMR has been set up, one needs to go into Visual Signature Capture and indicate the location of the folders where the PDF and HL7 documents will get written to and read from.

  1. In Visual Signature Capture, Sign in as a Site Administrator.
  2. Click on the System Management Tab and expand the DOCUMENTS section.
    Screenshot of System Management Tab
  3. Scroll down to SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_PATH and enter the location of the folder that document PDFs generated by Visual Signature Capture will get written to.  On a new installation, put this information in front of the code that is already there.  It created the folder structure for the PDF.
  4. In the SYSTEM_REFERENCE_PATH field enter the location that the document PDFs will get read from, followed by a trailing backslash. If this is the same as the SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_PATH, it may be left blank.
  5. In the SYSTEM_LINKLOGIC_PATH field enter the location of the folder that HL7 files will get written to, followed by a trailing backslash.
  6. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the DOCUMENTS section to save the setting changes.
    Screenshot of Admin Settings