New Features of VSC 4.0

  1. Updated Sign In Page
  2. Date of Birth (DOB) Verification
  3. PM Database Connection
  4. Ability to Update Demographics
  5. Ability to Send PDF Directly to the Registration Module of CPS
  6. Ability to Update Authorizations on “Additional” Tab in Registration Module of CPS
  7. Updated Add Document Dialog Box
  8. Redesigned Add/Change Template Dialog Box
  9. Ability to Store Images in the VSC Database
  10. New System Management settings
  11. Auto Save Feature
  1. Updated Sign In Page.

  2. Date of Birth (DOB) Verification

  3. PM Database Connection

  4. Ability to Update Demographics

    1. Creating the Template

      Templates that have the ability to update demographics need to be built with Visual Form Editor (VFE) 8. This new version of VFE has an additional tab in the Capture Template Information dialog box called "Processing." Within the Processing tab, one can specify the output files that will be created. For templates that are going to update demographics, a HL7_HD file needs to be specified:
      Adding HL7_HD Output Specification in VFE
    2. Setting Up VSC

      VSC 4.0 has a new tab for the Site Administrators called "File Management". When the "Output Specifications" radio button is selected, one can add output files. If one is going to use VSC to update demographics, a HL7_HD file (supplied by Logical Innovations) needs to be uploaded.
      File Management Tab Output Specifications View
    3. Workflow

      1. Patient fills out a document in which he/she updates demographics. If patient already has some demographic information on file, that information can be pulled into the document before the patient begins filling out the form and the patient can update the necessary fields.
      2. When the patient is done filling out the form, patient submits the form.
      3. After a patient has filled out and submitted a demographics document that has changes to the patient's demographics, a Staff member needs to go to the Reconciliation Management tab (new to VSC 4.0) and click on the Review button.  If the System Management setting SYSTEM_AUTO_DEMOGRAPHIC_REVIEW is set to FALSE, staff will need to approve the document even though there are no changes:
        Reconciliation Management Tab
      4. In reviewing the document, the staff member uses the arrows to select the data that is currently in the patient's file or the new data that the patient has entered. It is also possible to choose an alternative value by typing into the Merge Data column. When done, click the "Submit" button in the lower right corner.
        Reviewing Demographic Data
      5. After Reconciliation is complete, a PDF will be generated and can be seen on the History tab. Completion of Reconciliation also triggers the generation of HL7 files for import into Centricity via LinkLogic. [Note – a Demographics interface between VSC and LinkLogic/Centricity needs to be set up.] Once the HL7_HD file is imported, the patient's demographics will be updated.
  5. Ability to Send PDF Directly to the Registration Module of CPS.

  6. Ability to Update Authorizations on “Additional” Tab in Registration Module of CPS

  7. Updated Add Document Dialog Box

    Updated Add Document Dialog Box
  8. Redesigned Add/Change Template Dialog Box

    When one is signed in as the Site Administrator and adds a new document Template, the dialog box has several new features:
    Updated Add Change Template Dialog
  9. Ability to Store Images in the VSC Database

  10. New System Management settings

    There are 6 new fields on the System Management tab:
    New System Management Settings in 4.1
    1. SYSTEM_AUTO_DEMOGRAPHIC_REVIEW: The default setting is "TRUE", which means that when a document with patient demographics is completed and none of the demographic values have changed, the Reconciliation Management tab is skipped and the HL7 message is created and sent.  "FALSE" means that even if there are no changes to the patient's demographics, staff must process the demographic information in the Reconciliation Management tab before the HL7 message is created and sent.
    2. SYSTEM_AUTO_REMOVE_PATIENT: The default setting is "TRUE", which means that a patient's name is removed from the Document tab after they have completed all documents that they were assigned, as in VSC 3.X. If this is field is set to "FALSE", patient will remain on the Document tab after they have filled out all of their assigned documents. This will allow a patient PIN to remain the same for an entire day. Setting SYSTEM_AUTO_REMOVE_PATIENT to "FALSE" also means that the patient's name will remain on the tablet after he/she has finished filling out documents. If SYSTEM_AUTO_REMOVE_PATIENT is set to "FALSE" patients will eventually need to be deleted from the Document tab manually or using a Delete All rule.
    3. SYSTEM_REQUIRE_DOB_VERIFICATION: Default value is "TRUE", which means that VSC will ask the patient to input their Date of Birth (DOB) for secondary verification when the patient home page is accessed, either via PIN or from Staff's "Patient View" button. If set to "FALSE", patient DOB will not be required.
    4. SYSTEM_SESSION_TIMEOUT: This is the time, in minutes, before VSC "times out" on a user. Standard value is 15 minutes, but values of up to 45 minutes can be entered. Note: Do not set this value to 0 or the session will time out as soon as it starts, essentially locking the user out of the system.
    5. SYSTEM_SUPPRESS_CLEAR_BUTTON: Default is "FALSE". If this field is set to "TRUE", the Reset Document button is hidden. This prevents incidents where a patient accidentally clicks that button and loses their data (although the patient would also have to answer "Yes" to a confirmation message to lose their data accidentally).
        Signature Box when SYSTEM_SUPPRESS_CLEAR_BUTTON false
      • SYSTEM_SUPPRESS_CLEAR_BUTTON set to TRUE (Reset Document hidden):
        Signature Box with SYSTEM_SUPPRESS_CLEAR_BUTTON true.png
    6. Retrieve License Info button: Will grab the string that we use to generate a customer's VSC license.
  11. Auto Save Feature

    When a patient is filling out a document, it will auto save every 2 minutes to prevent loss of patient's entries in case the software times out, the system crashes, or there is an error during document submission.