File Management Tab

Images, Output Specifications, Email (and Text) Templates

  1. Images - Ability to Store Images in the VSC Database

    1. In VSC 3.X, images could be displayed in templates, but the images needed to be located (and retrieved from) an external URL. While that option still exists, in VSC 4 or higher, images can be stored directly in the VSC database, eliminating the need to pull them from an external location.
    2. In order to take advantage of this feature, one needs to build the template of interest using VFE 8 or higher. When inserting an Image, select "From Database" and the Base URL field will be grayed out. Then select the file of interest.
      VFE Image Dialog
    3. Next, in VSC, sign in as the Site Administrator and go to the File Management tab. Make sure that the "Images" radio button is selected. Click the Add Image button and then load the image (with the same file name) that is going to be used in the template created above.  You must supply a Description.  You must load images before the templates that use them or you will receive an error message when loading the template.  Once you load the image, you will be able to successfully load the template.  If you need to change your image, you can choose Edit and reload an updated image of the same name.
      File Management Tab Images
  2. Output Specifications

  3. Email Templates

  4. Templates for emails and text: The starting templates for emails and text messages can be found on the File Management tab under "Email Templates".  These templates should be customized by the site. The starting template can be downloaded, modified, and then uploaded via the "Edit" button.  These templates are a combination of Thymeleaf and HTML, except for the REMOTE_PRE_REGISTRATION_SMS template. All variables that can be used in the message are defined in the heading of the message template. The base templates that come with VSC can be modified to present a message appropriate for the customer organization. This can be done by downloading the file, modifying it, and then uploading the modified file using the Edit button.If you have an interest in customizing these email and text messages, contact Logical Innovations Support .