Filling Out and Signing Documents

This Help Section describes how staff and/or patients fill out and sign documents. Documents can only be filled out and signed from the patient view screen.

  1. Sign in to Patient view for a patient that has documents to fill out/sign as described in the Sign In help section.
  2. In the screenshot below, the account of Walter Caldwell is displayed. Walter has two documents to sign: a Telemedicine Consent form and a HIPAA form.
    Documents Tab Screenshot
  3. Click on the open button associated with a document to open an interactive HTML document. In the screenshot below, the Telemedicine Consent form was opened.
    Unsigned Document Screenshot
  4. The patient can update the date, and legal guardians can add their name and their authority, and sign the form using a mouse or their finger or a stylus on a touchscreen device. If the patient makes a mistake, they can change just one part of the form. The patient can also clear the entire form or clear just their signature by clicking the Reset Document button at the bottom of the form. When a patient is filling out a document, it will auto save every 2 minutes in the background to prevent loss of patient's entries in case the software times out, the system crashes, or there is an error during document submission. When the patient is finished filling out the form, they click the Submit Document button in order to complete the process (see screenshot of filled out form below). This will save their document as a PDF and also create HL7 files that can be imported by Centricity.
    Signed Document Screenshot
  5. Before the patient submits and saves, they have several buttons it may use.
  6. If the patient clicks Submit Document and their are fields set up as Required, then the message "This field is required" will be displayed in red next to the field(s).  This can include any type of data entry field as well as Signature fields.
    Required Fields Screenshot
  7. The patient is now returned to their home page. Notice that the Telemedicine Consent form is no longer present; only the HIPAA form is shown (screenshot below). Walter would repeat steps 3 and 4 above to fill out the HIPAA form.
    Documents Tab with HIPAA form only Screenshot
  8. When the patient has finished filling out all of their documents, a customizable message (SYSTEM_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_COMPLETION setting) prompting them to return the (tablet) device is displayed (screenshot below). The patient should click the Sign Out button and return the device.
    Device Ready to Return Screenshot

Note: If a Template is done in multiple languages, the patient will be provided the Template in the language that is set as their preferred in Registration. The patient can change the language to any choice in the language drop-down.

Multiple Languages Shown for Template Screenshot