System Management Settings

Sections: Authentication, Application, Documents, Email, Enterprise, HL7, Kiosk, Password, Remote, SMS, Custom, Language, License


Many different aspects of Visual Signature Capture can be modified in the System Management settings. These settings can be altered by the Site Administrator. To access the System Management settings, Sign In as the Site Administrator or a superuser and click on the System Management Tab.

System Management Tab Screenshot


Authentication (see screenshot above) determines the way in which staff members Sign In to Visual Signature Capture. The Authentication Type (Auth Type) can have two possible values: EMR or Active Directory. When Visual Signature Capture is used in conjunction with Centricity EMR/athenaFlow or Centricity Practice Solution/athenaPractice and Active Directory is not used to authenticate logins, the authentication should be set to EMR.  If the EMR is set up to use Active Directory from Microsoft, then Active Directory should be chosen as the Authentication type and the AD Server and AD Domain must be supplied in the fields below.

If the Authentication settings are changed, click the Submit button below the Authentication settings in order to save the changes.

Admin Settings

Below Authentication are the Admin Settings. These settings include information that can be pulled in by document templates, settings for HL7 documents, locations that PDF files will be written to and read from, options for some Visual Signature Capture display fields, and the EMR software type.

Application fields

These are general system settings that affect how various features of VSC behave. Each is described below.

Documents fields

  • SYSTEM_BENEFIT_ASSIGNMENT_ID:  This is the MEDLISTSID field from the MEDLISTS table in the CPS/athenaPractice database for the text to update the Benefit Assignment Authorization in CPS/athenaPractice Registration. See this topic for more information.
  • SYSTEM_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ID:  This setting indicates the language that a patient will receive a document in if it is not available in their preferred language (as determined from CPS Registration). This will most often be set to 1000, which is English. The value is the LANGUAGE_ID from the Template_Language table in the VSC database.
    VSC System Management Setting Default Language
  • SYSTEM_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_SPECIFICATION - This setting indicates the Output Specification file that will be used if no Output Specifications are listed in the template. The default setting is "STANDARD_OUTPUT_GROUP", which contains the three following outputs: STANDARD_PDF, HL7_HR, and HL7_HT. However, if a different set of outputs is desired as a default, a custom output specification can be created and entered in this field.
  • SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_PATH: In this field enter the location within the file system that signed document PDFs will be written to followed by a trailing backslash.
  • SYSTEM_INTERNAL_DOC_MGMT: If FALSE is entered in this field, signed document PDFs will only be stored on the file system, in the folder specified in the SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_PATH. If TRUE is entered in this field, signed documents will be stored in both the specified folder in the file system and in the Visual Signature Capture database. If one elects to enter TRUE, the database will increase in size as documents are added. It is strongly recommended to always enter FALSE for this setting and set a valid SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_PATH in a production environment.
  • SYSTEM_LINKLOGIC_PATH: Enter the location that HL7 files will be written to followed by a trailing backslash.
  • SYSTEM_MESSAGE_DOCUMENT_COMPLETION: The message that a customer sees on completing all their documents can be customized via this setting.
  • SYSTEM_PRIVACY_POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_ID:  This is the MEDLISTSID field from the MEDLISTS table in the CPS/athenaPractice database for the text to update the Privacy Policy Authorization in CPS/athenaPractice Registration. See this topic for more information.
  • SYSTEM_REFERENCE_PATH: Enter here the folder that PDFs of signed documents will be read from. This may often be the same folder as that specified in SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_PATH. This folder name MUST BE FOLLOWED BY A TRAILING BACKSLASH or documents will not import correctly.
  • SYSTEM_RELEASE_OF_INFORMATION_INDICATOR_ID:  This is the MEDLISTSID field from the MEDLISTS table in the CPS/athenaPractice database for the text to update the Release Pt. Info Authorization in CPS/athenaPractice Registration. See this topic for more information.
  • SYSTEM_SIGNATURE_SOURCE_ID:  This is the MEDLISTSID field from the MEDLISTS table in the CPS/athenaPractice database for the text to update the Source Authorization in CPS/athenaPractice Registration. See this topic for more information.


    Email fields

    Settings to configure emails that will be sent out related to Remote Signing Sites can use their own email server or VSC supports the email service from SendGrid ( ).  There is a Test Email button in later versions of VSC 7 so you can immediately test the settings you have entered to see if VSC will successfully connect and send an email.

    VSC System Mangement Settings Email

    Enterprise fields

    The Enterprise fields are not necessary for Visual Signature Capture to operate. Rather, these fields are provided to allow document Templates created using Visual Form Editor and imported into Visual Signature Capture to pull in information. These Enterprise Settings are a simple way to upload the name, address, e-mail, phone, and fax number of an organization into a Visual Signature Capture document Template. If one of these settings is changed, all Templates drawing from this information will automatically be updated.  Visual Form Editor can also use Location of Care fields instead of these Enterprise settings.

    The table below shows example values for the Enterprise settings.

    Enterprise Setting Example Value
    ENTERPRISE_ADDRESS1 12345 York Street
    ENTERPRISE_EMAIL email@southsideclinic
    ENTERPRISE_FAX 503-233-2233
    ENTERPRISE_NAME Southside Clinic
    ENTERPRISE_PHONE 503-233-2234

    HL7 fields

    These fields relate to the HL7 messages sent to the EMR database from Visual Signature Capture to allow the importation of documents and Observation terms. Each HL7 field is described below.


    Kiosk fields

  • SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_QUEUE_CHECK_IN: If this is set to TRUE, VSC will attempt to check the patient into their appointment after all of their VSC documents have been completed.
  • SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_QUEUE_CHECKIN_LOCATIONS: The Locations where the System Document Check In functionality is active, as a comma separated list of LOCIDs. The query to obtain the locations is: “SELECT LOCID, ABBREVNAME, NAME from LOCREG WHERE STATUS = 'A'” If no locations are listed, Document Check In will be active in all locations.
  • SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_QUEUE_LATE_CHECKIN: The time, in minutes, that an appointment can still be checked into using the Document Check In functionality after the appointment time has passed.
  • SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_QUEUE_MULTIPLE_APPOINTMENT_CHECK_IN:  If set to TRUE, the patient will be shown their appointment(s) after completing their documents and can select the one to check into. If set to FALSE, the patient will not be shown their appointments and will be checked into the appointment closest in time.
  • SYSTEM_DOCUMENT_QUEUE_TIME_WINDOW: Sets the time window (in minutes) that the patient appointment must fall within for the patient to be checked in when their documents are completed.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_APPOINTMENT_STATUSES: These are the appointment types that can be checked into as a comma separated list of MedListsIDs. The query to obtain the appointment types is: “Select MedListsID, Description from MedLists where TableName = 'AppointmentStatus' order by TableName asc”.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_APPT_OUTPUT_SPECIFICATION: The output specification being used to create the HL7 message for check in.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_BALANCE_MESSAGE: If enabled, this message will show when a patient has a balance (rather than allowing the patient to check in to their appointment).
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_ENABLE_PATIENT_HAS_DOCUMENTS_MESSAGE: If set to TRUE, this checks to see if a patient has documents and gives a separate message (as opposed to the standard check in message) if they do.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_ERROR_MESSAGE: Message displayed if patient can’t be checked in.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_LATE_CHECKIN: The time, in minutes, that a patient can be late for an appointment and still successfully check in.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_MULTIPLE_APPOINTMENT_CHECK_IN: If set to TRUE, the patient will be shown their appointment(s) after completing their documents and can select the one to check into. If set to FALSE, the patient will not be shown their appointments and will be checked into the appointment closest in time.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_PATIENT_HAS_DOCUMENTS_MESSAGE: The message a patient will see when they check in via the kiosk if they have documents if it has been enabled via the SYSTEM_KIOSK_ENABLE_PATIENT_HAS_DOCUMENTS_MESSAGE setting.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_SUCCESS_MESSAGE: Message displayed when a patient successfully checks in.
  • SYSTEM_KIOSK_TIME_WINDOW: Sets the time window (in minutes) that the patient appointment must fall within for the patient to be checked in when VSC is being used in Kiosk mode.

    Password fields

    These settings control the rules for updating the passwords for the VSC admin and vscadmin users and any other admin users you create. These settings also affect patient Home Signature accounts they create.  This does not affect staff logging in with their EMR password.
  • SYSTEM_PASSWORD_LENGTH: Sets the minimum length for the password.
  • SYSTEM_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_LOWERCASE: Setting this to "TRUE" will require the password to have at least one lowercase character.
  • SYSTEM_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_NONALPHANUMERIC: Setting this to "TRUE" will require the password to have at least one character that is not alphanumeric, i.e. $, &, #, etc.
  • SYSTEM_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_NOUSERNAME: Setting this to "TRUE" will require the password to not contain the login name.
  • SYSTEM_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_NUMBER: Setting this to "TRUE" will require the password to have at least one number.
  • SYSTEM_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_UPPERCASE: Setting this to "TRUE" will require the password to have at least one uppercase character.

    Remote fields

    A variety of settings to configure how Remote messages are sent and what a patient sees when they log in to their account.

    VSC System Management Settings Remote

    SMS fields

    If a site decides to use text messages to invite patients to create an account to sign documents, VSC supports the text messaging service from Twilio ( ) and the account info associated with the Twilio account created by the clinic should be entered in these three fields.  Later versions of VSC 7 have a Test SMS button than can be used to immediately test your Twilio settings to see if a text can be sent successfully.

    VSC System Mangagement Settings SMS

    If any of the System Settings are changed, you must click the Submit button at the bottom of the section of those settings in order to save your changes.

    Custom Settings

    Below the Admin Settings are the Custom Settings. Like the Enterprise Settings section, the Custom Settings allow one to add additional information that can be pulled in by Visual Signature Capture Templates. Enter a Setting Name, which must begin with “CUSTOM_” and a Setting Value. Click the Add button. A message indicating that the Custom property was created successfully will appear. You will then be afforded the option to update or delete the Custom Setting or to add additional Custom Settings.

    The Custom Settings are the only settings in the System Management tab where one does not have to click a Submit button in order to save them.

    Custom Code Settings

    Language Settings

    These are associated with the added language support in VSC 6 and above. By default, VSC 6 allows templates to be added in English and Spanish, but if a site would like to add templates in other languages, those languages can be added here and will show up as options in the Template Management tab. When adding a new language, the “code” should be taken from the EMR Language table's Code field and the Language Name should be the ShortDescription field.

    VSC 6.0 Language Settings

    License Key

    At the bottom of the System Management tab is the field to enter the License Key for Visual Signature Capture. The License Key is provided by Logical Innovations when you subscribe to Visual Signature Capture. After entering the License Key, click the Submit button below the License Key field. A message indicating that the License Key was saved successfully will be returned.  If you receive a message about your license being invalid or overdue, follow these steps.