Adding Patients in Visual Signature Capture

Staff members have the ability to add patients from the Centricity database to the Documents tab in Visual Signature Capture.

  1. From the main page, go to the User Login and login as a staff member.
  2. From the documents tab, click the Add New Patient button.
    Document Tab Screenshot
  3. The Find patient dialog box will open and a drop-down menu allows one to search for patients by name, medical record number (MRN), Patient ID, or date of birth (DOB).
    Find Patient Dialog Box Screenshot
  4. To search by last name, choose Name from the drop-down menu and then type the last name or first few letters of the last name in the "Search for:" box. Click the Search button or hit the return key and the corresponding list of names will be returned. In the screenshot below, a search was executed on names beginning with the letters "jone" and three names were returned.
    Name Search Screenshot
  5. Highlight the patient to be added and click Add Patient. Note that even if only one patient is displayed, the patient must be highlighted before he/she can be added.
    Highlighting Patient 
                          to Add Screenshot
  6. If the System Management Setting SYSTEM_RUN_RULES_ON_DEMAND has been set to TRUE, you will see an additional button, "Check Rules".  Clicking this button will run all the active Rules against this single patient and offer to add the patient and theTemplates that the Rules say match this patient.   If no Rules match the patient, it will inform you of that fact and ask if you still want to add the patient.
    Add Patient Dialog with Check Rules Visible
  7. The patient has now been added to the Documents tab. Four options appear below the added patient: Add Document, Add Document Group, Remove Patient, and Patient View. Add Document allows one to add documents for the patient to sign. This feature is covered in Adding Documents. Add Document Group allows adding a Template Group, a collection of documents such as a New Patient Packet.  Clicking the Remove Patient button will remove the patient from the Document tab. Clicking the Patient View button takes one to the module of the Visual Signature Capture program that allows patients to sign documents. This feature is covered in Filling Out and Signing Documents. One can hide/unhide the four options described above by clicking on the patient's name.
    Document Tab with Patient Added Screenshot
  8. To search for a patient by their first name, select Name from the drop-down menu and then type a comma followed by the first name or first few letters of the first name in the "Search For:" box. Click the Search button or hit the return key and the corresponding list of names will be returned. In the screenshot below, a search was executed on the first name "al" and two names were returned. Once the search is complete, highlight the patient of interest and click Add Patient to add the patient to the Document tab as described in step 5 above.
                of First Name Search
  9. To search for a patient by their medical record number (MRN), select MRN in the "Search by:" drop-down menu and type the patient's MRN in the "Search for:" field. Next, hit the return key or press the Search button and the patient with the appropriate medical record will be returned. In the screenshot below, a search was executed on MR-000-002 and patient BASSETT, DON C. with the corresponding medical record number was returned.
    MRN Search Screenshot
  10. Highlight the patient and click Add Patient as described in step 5 above to add the patient to the Document tab.
  11. To Search for patients based on their Patient ID, choose Patient ID from the drop-down menu and enter the Patient ID in the "Search for:" field. Press the return key or click the Search button and the patient with the appropriate Patient ID will be returned. In the screenshot below, a search was executed on Patient ID 107 and the patient Ben Eckler with the corresponding Patient ID was returned. Once the search is complete, highlight the patient and click Add Patient as described in step 5 above to add the patient to the Document tab.
    Patient ID Search 
  12. To search for a patient by their date of birth (DOB), select DOB in the "Search by:" drop-down menu and type the patient's date of birth over the MM/DD/YY in the "Search for:" field. Next, hit the return key or press the Search button and the patient with the appropriate date of birth will be returned. In the screenshot below, a search was executed for 06/20/1964 and patient Phil Jones with the corresponding date of birth was returned.
    MRN Search Screenshot
  13. Additional patients can be added by repeating the appropriate steps above.